Mango Paper Bag Fruit Preservation Solution Helps Keep Skin Beautiful, Prevents Pests, Reduces Residue

Mango paper bags are the best preservation solution for agricultural products today, helping to limit damage to fruit skins, reduce pest rates, and reduce the impact of insects, birds, and mice. Mango paper bags help improve the color of the fruit’s skin, limit sunburn, and reduce the use of pesticides. So let’s learn more about mango paper bags with Sancopack through the article below!

Túi Giấy Bọc Xoài Là Gì?

Mango paper bags are bags made from paper, usually yellow, brown or white, used to wrap around the mango fruit while it is growing on the tree. This bag has many uses, mainly to protect mangoes from harmful environmental factors and pests, helping to preserve color and increase the value of the product.

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Technical Specifications of Mango Paper Bags

  • Size: Customizable according to needs
  • Uses: Prevent pests, yellow flies, spiders, birds, squirrels, mice, sunscreen,…
  • Fruit type: Suitable for packing large mangoes such as Taiwan, Tu Quy, and Australian mango
  • Design: The bag is heat-stamped all around, with drainage holes at the bottom, and the mouth of the bag has a soft zinc wire
  • Characteristics of the bag: 2-layer thick bag, black inside, yellow outside, can be used >= 2 seasons
  • Bag type: The bag uses built-in zinc wire to fix the mouth
  • Color: Yellow
  • Material: Bag made of paper, outside covered with water-resistant wax
  • Usage time: High durability, reusable
  • Origin: Vietnam

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Structure of Mango Paper Bag

Mango paper bags are made from kraft paper with a 2-layer structure including:

  • Outer layer: made with size and design as required. Usually brown kraft paper material is popular. Then it is mixed with nylon material according to the required ingredients to ensure the bag is durable and safe from environmental impacts such as rain, sun, salt frost… Helps increase durability and safety of the bag throughout its life. Cover the mango until it is ripe. The top of the bag is designed with a wire attached to help fix and keep the bag securely on the tree, preventing insects from coming into contact with the fruit.
  • Inner layer: black in color and made from 100% wood pulp fiber to increase light resistance and speed up the process of product color change during fruit development until maturity.

Kraft paper bags are often used to process with heat stamping technology around the bag body and bottom. In particular, the bottom has drainage holes and is breathable, helping to prevent rainwater from stagnating in the bag. Protect mangoes safely, cleanly and deliciously, without damage.

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Uses of Mango Kraft Bags

  • Protect mangoes from insects: Paper bags help prevent attacks from pests, insects and other harmful agents. This helps reduce the use of pesticides, contributing to protecting the environment and consumer health.
  • Resists the effects of weather: Paper bags protect mangoes from too strong sunlight, helping the fruit ripen evenly and avoid sunburn. In addition, paper bags also help protect mangoes from rain and frost.
  • Prevent rough fruit skin: Wrapping in paper bags helps minimize friction between the mango and surrounding objects (such as leaves and branches), making the fruit surface smoother.
  • Keep mangoes ripening naturally: Paper bags help create a stable environment, helping mangoes ripen evenly and retain their natural flavor. This helps increase the commercial value of mangoes.
  • Increase economic efficiency: Thanks to the above benefits, using mango paper bags helps increase productivity and quality of mangoes, thereby improving economic value for growers.
  • Environmental protection: Paper bags are often made from biodegradable materials, helping to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment.

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Advantages of Mango Kraft Paper Bags Provided by Sancopack

  • Phòng ngừa sự phá hại của côn trùng sâu hại (rệp, ruồi, rệp sáp, ong vàng, sâu đục trái, nhện, v.v…)
  • Phòng ngừa tia cực tím, ánh nắng quá gắt làm trái xoài bị rám, quả bị bỏng, nhưng vẫn đảm bảo trái có thể quang hợp giúp trái ngọt hơn.
  • Giảm đáng kể sử dụng các chế phẩm BVTV tạo ra trái cây sạch, an toàn cho người tiêu dùng, an toàn sức khỏe người nhà nông.
  • Giúp phòng bệnh cho quả như một lớp áo bảo vệ trước sự tấn công của vi khuẩn nấm bệnh.
  • Bảo vệ lớp phấn tự nhiên trên vỏ trái, giúp da trái tươi ngon, không bị nước mưa rửa trôi hay bị ảnh hưởng bởi môi trường bên ngoài.
  • Đặc biệt trái cây trở nên đẹp hơn, an toàn hơn, bán được giá cao hơn, và hoàn toàn phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn xuất khẩu của các nước trên thế giới.
  • Phòng ngừa khi gặp sương muối làm cho vỏ trái sần sùi, bị đốm đen.
  • Giảm thiểu được tác hại của mưa gió gây rụng, ánh nắng làm cháy rám trái
  • Thân thiện môi trường sau khi hết hạn sử dụng bao sẽ tự phân hủy vào môi trường không tạo rác ở vườn như túi nilon.
  • Giá thành rẻ có thể tái sử dụng được.

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Instructions on How to Use Mango Kraft Paper Bags

  1. When the fruit is still small, you should use pesticide sprays to kill insects, larvae, spiders, fungi, and diseases already attached to the young fruit before bagging.
  2. After being treated with plant protection products, you must wait until they stick to the dried fruit before bagging the fruit. The fruit wrapping must be completed within 2 to 3 days, should not last too long.
  3. Use a bag to cover the entire fruit from the bottom up and pull the drawstring on the bag to tighten the mouth of the bag to fit the stem of the fruit.

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Places Providing Reputable, Quality Mango Wrapping Paper Bags in HCM, Dong Nai, Hai Phong, Hanoi

Mango paper bags provided by Sancopack with guaranteed quality and a team of enthusiastic consultants, customers can rest assured in choosing the most suitable product. Not only mango paper bags, Sancopack also provides many products to help serve customers in agriculture such as: mango paper bags, jackfruit paper bags, grapefruit paper bags, etc.

Commitment that the product has a clear source and origin.

  • Make sure to check products before packaging and delivering to customers.
  • The company commits to have more support policies and incentives.
  • Competitive prices, ensuring products of good quality and high durability.
  • Commitment to return or refund goods to customers if the order received is wrong, defective, or damaged.
  • Our enthusiastic consulting staff is always available to help answer all of your questions.

If you are looking for a distribution address for mango bags, please contact Hotline: +84908105115 immediately to get the best price. We deliver nationwide, reputable product quality, check goods before payment. In addition to mango paper bags, customers visit the website: to refer to many other products.

HOTLINE: 028.73002579 (HCM) – 024.73002579 (Hanoi)

Receive advice and order quality reputable products at:


✅ Preserving fruits and vegetables: ⭐ Ethylene absorption, anti-mold, sterilization, anti-dehydration.
✅ Effective: ⭐ Keeps fresh for a long time, reduces spoilage, slows ripening & aging.
✅ Standard: ⭕ Food safety, US FDA
✅ Biological products: ⭐ Chitosan, 1-MCP, MAP, Natamycin
✅ Certification: ⭐ Has full quality certifications

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